University of Essex, University of York, University of London (Goldsmiths)
Sep 2014 to Sep 2018
PhD in Computational Intelligence and Game Balance - IGGI
Under the supervision of Prof. Riccardo Poli and Dr. Daniel Kudenko. Researching methods to aid game design balancing through the use of automated tools.
All is done with the support of the IGGI Centre for Doctoral Training.
More information on IGGI available at .
“Evolving a Designer-Balanced Neural Network for Ms PacMan”, Morosan and Poli - CEEC 2017
“Speeding up genetic algorithm-based game balancing using fitness predictors”, Morosan and Poli - Poster at GECCO 2017
“Automated Game Balancing in Ms Pacman and StarCraft using Evolutionary Algorithms”, Morosan and Poli - EvoStar 2017