Life beyond the PhD - month 1
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Long time, no talk.
It’s been almost a month since I submitted my thesis. It was wonderful seeing the culmination of 4 years of work printed and in my hands. The final result, after many edits, revisions and considerations, was 212 pages of science. A lot of it was references, table of contents, list of figures and list of tables, but hey, nothing’s perfect.
I can’t be thankful enough to my supervisor, Prof. Riccardo Poli, for his superhuman abilities and hours spent on the topics covered by this thesis. Not to mention the hours spent correcting the thesis itself. Every page had red text advising, correcting typos or reminding me that I never explained what a certain thing was.
It’s been a bit over a month since I started working at NMT as one of their AI peeps. I like it here! But that’s mostly due to doing a lot more than just AI. Web dev, dev ops, computer vision. The chance to experiment and learn so much does not come every day. Maybe soon enough I can start writing some tutorials on random stuff I’ve figured out while working on projects!
It’s been around 4 months since dad had to start a greater project far far away. It’s still unreal.